Documentary-animated film by Sabaton, “The War to End All Wars”

13.October 2023

You are invited to the screening of the documentary-animated film by the band Sabaton at the Park of Military History Pivka!

The Swedish band Sabaton presents the film “The War To End All Wars” – an animated musical and historical adventure that includes songs from their tenth studio album and vividly tells the stories of World War I.

Join us for this global museum projection event at the Park of Military History Pivka.


The film premiere will occur on Saturday, November 4th, at 5:00 PM among the museum exhibits at the Park.

Prior reservation is mandatory to attend the film premiere and can be made via email at [email protected] or by calling +386 31 775 002. Tickets can also be purchased on the day of the event according to the valid price list for visiting the Military History Park (2023 price list for the Military History Park).

Participants can explore the museum collections and exhibitions before the event.

For those attending only the film premiere, there will be a 50% discount on the ticket price due to limited museum access.

Hurry and make your reservation, as seating is limited.


We will screen the film for our visitors from November 5th to 19th, 2023. The showtimes will be Monday to Friday at 12:00 PM and on Saturdays and Sundays at 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM.

The film will be translated into the Slovenian language and is suitable for older teenagers and adults.


Sabaton, a five-member power metal band, was founded in 1999 in Falun, Sweden. They are internationally renowned for their fact-based historical music. The band takes pride in narrating history from a non-political and unbiased perspective.