The Park visited by a group of Czech military engineers

21.September 2023

On September 21st, members of the engineering unit of the Czech Republic Army, accompanied by their hosts from the Slovenian Armed Forces, visited the Park of Military History. A group of Czech military engineers arrived in Slovenia ten days ago as part of international military assistance and have contributed significantly to the efforts to mitigate the consequences of the August floods in the most affected areas. In collaboration with the Slovenian Armed Forces, the unit members played a crucial role in setting up three modular bridges in Mežica, which greatly improved the transportation infrastructure in the municipality upon their completion.

After this demanding engineering project, the Slovenian Armed Forces organized a final excursion to show their appreciation for the Czech soldiers’ hard work and dedication. The central stop of this excursion was at the Park of Military History. Under experts’ guidance, the group explored all the current museum collections and exhibitions. They were particularly interested in presenting the story of Slovenia’s path to independence as part of the main museum exhibition titled “The Road to Independence.” The submarine P-913 Zeta also drew a lot of excitement, and the group had the opportunity to explore it from the inside.

The visit concluded with congratulations to the Park of Military History for its successful work preserving and presenting a rich collection of military-technical heritage and providing an accurate portrayal of military history. The park is delighted and proud to have hosted the Czech Army unit, which played a crucial role in mitigating the catastrophic consequences of the floods. The Park leadership also sincerely thanked the participating Czech soldiers for their contribution.